Category: Adware

Price Finder advertisements

Removing Price Finder pop-up ads

While you are online you may see some pretty annoying pop-up windows in the right-bottom part of your screen, titled as “Price Finder“. You will see such pop-ups in the form of various offers that will lead you to other third-party sites, instead of those you initially visited. You might […]

Ads by AdsAlert

Removing Ads by AdsAlert adware

Ads by AdsAlert represent serious problem for many people today. Of course, if you don’t deal with PCs you probably are the happiest person in the world. Yet, computers have become the integral components of our lives, whereas adware has become often interconnected with computers. This is especially true when […]


Coupon Time Ads (removal solution)

Coupon Time stands for a new adware currently bothering many active Internet surfers today. They see Ads by Coupon Time to pop up everywhere. Even if they go to regular pages not related to e-commerce, these advertisements are quite active in their attempts to make users click on them. Finally, […]

CutThePrice adware installer

Come eliminare CutThePrice virus?

Il problema causato da CutThePrice accade a molti PC al giorno d’oggi. Gli Ads di CutThePrice sono possono essere causati da programmi indesiderati che appartengono alla categoria “aware” in linea con la corretta classificazione adoperata da diversi blog di sicurezza e applicazioni antivirus. Le Pubblicità indesiderate causate da esso non […]

DNS-Unlocker Ads

Deletion of Ads by DNS-Unlocker adware

DNS-Unlocker version 1.3 is an unwanted program in your PC responsible for displaying a lot of disgusting Ads by DNS-Unlocker everywhere in your browser. These advertisements are generally quite persistent in their attempts to make you click on them. Very often the pop-up show run in the for of such […]


How to delete Ads by CinemaPlus-4.1v?

CinemaPlus-4.1v adware may easily become the part of your computer if you fail to pay attention to some important details while installing free applications. Many of such cost-free utilities are by default integrated with all sorts of additional applications you don’t need. However, some people are in a great hurry […]

Advertisements by Eye Perform

How do I remove Eye Perform Ads?

The slogan of Eye Perform adware is “Increase usability with Eye Perform”. The program promises you to improve your online browsing in helping you to find the best prices in the Internet for various commodities you might be looking for online. Whereas in reality the program simply wants to play […]