Hauphuchaum.com notifications
Malicious sites

Hauphuchaum.com notifications (removal guide).

Hauphuchaum.com is a deceptive site displaying the great multitude of extremely intrusive web push notifications. Basically, this pop-up says that you need to click on the “Allow” button supposedly to continue your browsing, or to prove that you’re not a robot. However, it’s obviously a very serious mistake. Whenever people […]

Searchlee.com virus on Mac
Browser hijackers

Searchlee.com virus on Mac (Removal Guide).

Searchlee.com is a browser hijacker that specifically attacks Mac browsers today. This includes Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other popular browsers. Searchlee.com actually changes a lot of important browser settings, such as: default home page; default search engine; new tab URL. Searchlee.com is often distributed through bundling with some […]